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WW1 Medals 1914-1915 Star plus defense and victory medals.

Here are 3 service medals from the first world war for those who like war memorabilia.

These belonged to one serviceman who served in WW1 as a Sub lieutenant, then promoted to lieutenant.

The medals are the 1914-15 star, the defence and victory medals.

The medals are inscribed with the soldiers name and respective rank.

The ribbons and the medals are in good condition.

They are all on one bar which is also inscribed.

These medals sold for £135.00.

WW1 service medals are very collectable and some fetch far more than the examples shown.


Term Paper said...

Really interesting and informative post.

Term papers said...

I am quite sure they will learn lots of new stuff here than anybody else!

Anonymous said...

I believe the middle medal is the British War Medal, not "defense"

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